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Crappy to Happy

Crappy to Happy
by Randy Peyser
Boston: Red Wheel, 2002
Purchased 2004 at
Pulp on the Hill

The only really tacky thing about this book is the cover and its title. Other than that, it's a sweet little book of soothing wisdom. Written by a 40-something new age woman, it dispenses good advice in a breezy, light-hearted, and sometimes downright funny manner.

I like the way the author is unabashed about her lack of outward success, which would normally disqualify her from writing a book such as this:

"I no longer have a job to fall back on and I'm not in a relationship. My bank account is dwindling down to pennies and I have a rinky-dink car with more holes than a golf course. My happiness is obviously not circumstantial -- yet I'm truly happier than I've ever been."

This is one advice book that doesn't dish it out in a know-it-all fashion. And you just have to love the graphic designer who put the pig's rear end near the word "crappy." Sheer genius.

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